My friends house

My best friend lives with her Grandpa in a lovely big house in Hilperton. Since she moved there we have experienced many different types of activity. I can honestly say it is the most haunted place I've been to so far. We've experienced lights turning on/off, really loud bangs, footsteps, what sounds like running on the landing, doors closing just to name a few. My friend has experienced many things on her own like warm indentations on her bed as if someone has been sat down, been woken up in the middle of the night by the feeling of someone watching her etc. One of the most scariest things she told me was one night really early in the morning the doorbell went. She instantly felt petrified....(to continue reading follow this link to our new website

3 comments: (+add yours?)

The Team said...

Wow, this is amazing stuff! You can see that the orbs are unlikely to be light/ camera faults because the orbs are always different quantitys and in different places each time as well as not following a logical reflection or glare pattern of any sort. I suppose another way to prove that this can be used as hard evidence would be to take pictures with 2 different cameras as well??? Mel x

The Team said...

indeedy mel :) next time my camera will be coming with me :) il be back over there saturday so who knows what we will catch! Jess x

wanted_spirit said...

wow! yes let us know, I hope u find some more tantlising stuff!:D you can fill us in on Sunday too hehe:) x

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