Good Monday-oon to all you Paranorms out there!
W.P.I have been looking into more investigations to sink our teeth into and have found a potential winner!
We have been doing some research on the Sandhill Park estate which is located in Bishops Lydeard, Somerset and have discovered a rather interesting history on the the read more visit our new website here
Sandhill Park, Somerset...
Since we've been gone...
Hi There Paranorms!
It's been a while I know, and the W.P.I team have been very busy bee's indeed!
We've finally had our first official investigation, and I don't think any of us expected to find what we did...
Our first investigation took place at the grounds of Atworth Church- The church of st. Michael-
This church is a gorgeous 13th century church and has had some reports of a ghostly monk that wanders the church grounds, and other investigators have also reported being scratched whilst conducting their investigations:
We started the investigation by taking part in a ouija board; Emma kindly offered to film as myself and Jess took part and we found we came in contact with a spirit fairly quickly. It certainly responded to our questions! At one point the spirit was manipulating the planchette so quickly that myself and jess's fingers lifted off it briefly!
Towards the end of this interaction, Emma asked the spirit if they were stood behind her and the spirit responded 'Yes'.
We carried on a sweep of the area, and didn't get much in the way of EMF, although we were certainly feeling spooked.
One of the first events occured when myself and Emma were walking around the church getting a feel for the area, Jess was also doing the same but stayed at the front of the church in the same spot; there was a gap in the wall abouve one of the side doors and as we were walking past I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye in the gap, I took a closer look in the gap and I saw a face very quickly, I shone my torch in the gap but nothing was there at that point.
At this stage myself and Jess switches positions and Jess and Emma did another walk around the building, a few minutes into this I saw what I can only describe as a black cloaked figure walk around the corner of the church by the side door where I had seen the face; I was convinced it was a person and preceeded to run after it, I ran towards the back of the church but couldn't see anyone other than Jess and Emma who were around the opposite side of the church at the time and they had ran after me when they heard me react to the figure...
Throughout the course of the night we asked questions and tried to communicate with any spirits that may have been present there, we did get a few odd feelings and certainly heard some strange noises when we listened back to the voice recorder...for instance, I heard several moans at the start of the recording and also a baby cry which was very strange as there were certainly no babies present-
Later on in the evening we offered the spirits to use the energy from our equiptment to manifest and sure enough as soon as we mention it, there was a strange beeping sound on the recorder as if a mobile phone was going off next to it- but I can confirm that I did not have my mobile phone near the voice recorder at the time and this only happened that once.
The most amazing shocking piece of evidence we caught during that evening was also on the voice recorder, and the most prominent experience preceeded the evidence that we caught...this was around 50 minutes into the investigation and we were feeling a little un easy walking around the church grounds, so we decided to sit on the wall faceing the amazing stained glass window at the front of the church; Jess gasped as she kept seeing movement in the corner of the window, I hadn't seen anything at this stage but I watched, and sure enought I saw movement as well- it was almost as if someone was peering out and back in again:
we decided this would be a good opportunity to try and communicated with any spirits that may be trying to interact with us so we asked it a few questions, at one stage we asked it to come closer and oh certainly did that! We heard some russling coming towards us from just below the stained glass window and around towards the left side of us, at this point I felt someone poke me in the left side of my leg- I will admit, I did jump and understandably this startled the others as well and we did hastly retreat from the we were leaving and just about to approach the gate my voice recorder switched on on it's own and a very loud giggle came from it, again frightening us! We were very shocked as it seemingly switched on and immediately off again on its own, it was in my hand but to create those actions I would have had to locate a giggle on the file, pause the recording just before I played the giggle and then stopped it all in the space of a split second which is very difficult to manage, also the recording only stopped just before we would have heard the giggle so this doesnt fit either.
We listened back to the recorder shortly after we left the church and fast forwarded to that same area that we had experience the giggle and we were not prepared for what we heard...the first instance happens at 52.26mins and you hear very clearly some heavy asthamatic breathing coming through over us talking amonst ourself, this happens a few more times and them you very clearly sounds like 'Hello' in a breathy whisper. It then goes quiet.
We are looking at getting this recording onto here for you to listen as soon as possible but are unfortunately having a few technical issues uploading it due to my ammature mistake of using a non-USB compatible dictaphone! However we will resolve this and hopefully you can have a listen for yourselves very soon.
We were very please with the investigation and would like to go back to Atworth again for a bit of a longer investigation to see if we can unearth any other spooky happenings...
Strange goings on in the Wanted_Spirit household...
Good Morning Guys!
I had a strange experience last night and had to share it with the W.P.I team and fellow Paranorms...
It happened at my house (the one that I mentioned I heard the door open and close in when no-one else was around quite some time ago) yesterday evening around 8.40pm, I was sat on the sofa in my front room watching telly and for some reason started to feel like someone/ something was watching me- I assumed one or both of my cats were the cause of my feeling and kept looking over to the opposite corner of the room expecting to see one of the cats, but no sign of either of them...after a few minutes of peering over my shoulder and feelings of being watched the computer suddenly started itself up out of hibernation mode, bearing in mind that our computer is only set to come out of hibernation mode when you move the mouse or press the keyboard...this of course startled me a little, so I went over to investigate and check if there was anything leaning on the keyboard or if the mouse was slightly askew on the mouse mat, but I couldn't see any reason for this occurance.
After this had happened, I felt a bit uneasy in that area for a while whilst I was investigating what could have happened, but this wore off after a short while.
I did check that the computer wasn't on some sort of timer either and it wasn't, so I really can't explain what happened. I'm going to keep an eye on the activity and see if anything else happens or if there's any other way that I can explain the odd event, so I will keep you posted!
Until next time, happy hunting!
W.P.I investigation update...
Hi There Paranorms!
It's been a while I know...<clips ear> The W.P.I team have been busy bee's indeed, but we're here now to update you on the teams antic's! It seems we've had a bit of bad luck come our way and unfortunately none of the investigations we had booked actually got past the moment of agreement for various we have decided for now, to take it into our own hands and arrange some outside investigations to start with, so therefore we will not have any booking issues with nature! We hope!
Our next investigation will be 'Sally in the Woods' in Bath!!! This is something we discussed not long ago actually and the lovely (previous W.P.I member) Destiny K very kindly gave us all the history on the area. **Please see post from 26th Jan, 'The Brown's folly mystery' for further details**
We are going to be doing this investigation at the end of this month and will of course update you on any spooky goings on and findings once we have analysed the evidnce by the end of 1st week in May, so watch this space...
Who knows we may meet the infamous Sally herself?
Until next time Paranorms, happy hunting!
A tale of unfortunate events...
Apologies for the lack of investigation update;
The reason for this is that unfortunately, due to various reasons, our first investigation in Trowbridge was cancelled last Friday.
At the moment we are not rebooking with this case, however we will keep you updated as always!
We are not going to let a little set back stop the W.P.I team, Oh no!!! Our first investigation in this case, will be at the end of March and we are all very excited as this will be an all night investigation! (As opposed to our initial first investigation in which we only had 5 hrs to get our groove on!)
Watch this space for more details regarding this case to be posted soonest!
Until then, happy hunting Paranorms!
Haunted Places in Wiltshire - The M's
Sorry for the hiatus guys! We are still here, just very busy. We have out first investigation on Friday, which we are all very excited for! In the meantime here is your long awaited dose of Haunted Wiltshire.
1) Maddington - General area - Young Girl - Wearing a long white dress, this young girl barely in her teens has been reported in several parts of the village. It is thought she drowned in a flood which swept through the area in the mid nineteenth century. To read more please visit our new website here
Always come equipped…
The W.P.I team’s first official investigation is coming up!
Another experience she explained was an account from a member of staff:
Another employee experience that was explained to the home owner was when the employee was entering the shop in the morning, not long ago in fact, and as she entered there was a distinct giggling coming from back of shop that was not a familiar voice to the employee.
On a separate occasion, the home owner and the same employee were both on the shop floor stood next to each other whilst working and they both heard very clearly what sounded like a males laugh in the area between them.
Watch this space folks to discover our findings which will be posted within a week or so after the investigation once we have analyzed all the evidence.
Tips On How To Use An EMF Meter
Haunted Places in Wiltshire - The K's & L's
Afternoon everyone :) busy busy with me recently, so sorry about the delay!
The W.P.I team's Bath ghost walk adventures...
Good Morning Paranorm's! And happy Wednesday to you! ^_^
Well folk's, sorry for the delay as we had a few things to go over and analyse, but it's finally the moment you've all been waiting for... our review of the chilling Bath Ghost walk that the W.P.I team participated in last Thursday evening!!!
A lovely gentleman guide took us around the reported haunted sights in Bath which started at the Garicks Head public house (This itself also has its own chilling history). It was a small group as it was just the four of us doing the walk: the guide, Jess, Emma and myself.
The experienced guide told us tales of various buildings' histories and the lives of their former residence, some of which are thought to still remain within these areas today. I must say, we were hanging on his every word! If you would like to read more please visit our new website here
Haunted Places in Wiltshire - The H's
Today is the day of our ghost walk guys! We are all looking forward to it and will have fun writing up our experiences tomorrow :). So here's your daily does of the cold shivers.
1) Hannington - Jolly Tar public house - Scruffy Man - BBC Wiltshire reported that the landlady, chef and customers had all encountered a phantom middle-aged man, just under six feet tall. Paranormal group PSI reported recording strange sounds during a vigil. To read more please visit our new website here
Haunted Places in Wiltshire - The E's, F's & G's
Good morning everyone :). We are very excited to go on Bath's famous Ghost Walk tomorrow night! We will write up our experiences on Friday, until then here's your dose of Haunted read more visit our new website here
Do you fear the unknown?
We’ve all been afraid at some stage in our lives, whether it be of the ‘monster under your bed’, or that noise you hear in the middle of the night…to read more please visit our new website here
Paranormal Terms And Definitions
The supernatural appearance of a deceased person or animal. It is often too distant to be in the normal range of a persons view and is uncommon to see an appearance. A full bodied apparition shows the entire body of an animal or read more please visit our new website here
5 Types of Hauntings: What Kind of Ghost Haunts You?
The term ghost is widely used to refer to any paranormal activity that occurs in the home, but it is really a misnomer. Ghosts or the spirits of those who have passed on may cause a paranormal disturbance in your home , but they are not the only cause of a haunting. To determine the type of haunting, an understanding of different types of entities is necessary.
Haunting #1 Residual Ghosts
Residual ghosts are probably the most common type of haunting. It is believed that when a traumatic or emotionally charged event occurs in the lives of the living that it can be imprinted on the environment. Certain geological features like the presence of water, limestone and other stone features seem to hold images of past events. The residual ghost is seen performing the same tasks, walking the same path or singing the same song at regular intervals. The characteristic person searching for a lost love or walking passively through the area they inhabited when alive is almost certainly a residual ghost. They repeat the same pattern whether you are present or not. You cannot interact with a residual ghost because it is not aware of your presence. In fact, the residual ghost is not really present at all and is simply an image of a past event.
Haunting # 2 Intelligent Spirits
Intelligent spirits, sometimes referred to as earthbound spirits, can interact with you. No one knows for sure why the spirit of some people remain on earth, but paranormal investigators and researchers believe that the person has unfinished business to complete or is unaware that he has died. In some cases it appears the spirit lingers simply because it chooses not to pass on to the next realm. Intelligent ghosts may attempt to communicate with you by making sounds or moving objects. It may appear as an apparition that resembles the human form or appear as a mist. This ghost may react to your activities or respond to requests. Direct questioning during an EVP session may elicit direct responses.
Haunting #3 Inhuman Spirits
Inhuman spirits are not the spirit of someone who has passed away. These spirits were never human and may be referred to by some as evil spirits or demons. The goal of negative inhuman spirits appears to be to break the will of the individual in order to possess them. These spirits may manifest in a semi-human form, often half man and half beast. A horrific stench may accompany a haunting by an inhuman spirit. Angry growls emanating from the walls or appearing to come from all directions may be audible at all hours of the day or night. These spirits reportedly have great power and can hurl people and heavy objects across the room and have even been reported to cause occupants of the home to levitate.
Haunting # 4 Poltergeists
Poltergeists earn their name from the German for noisy ghost, but most paranormal investigators agree that a poltergeist really is not a ghost at all. The theory is that a person, usually an adolescent female, subconsciously causes objects to move, creates loud bangs and crashes with no known cause and other physical disturbances due to repressed rage or emotional upheaval. The telltale sign of poltergeist activity is that it begins with a sudden onset and generally disappears just as suddenly. It should be noted that not all poltergeist activity centers around an adolescent girl and that this theory has never been proven by scientific evidence.
Haunting # 5 Shadow People
Shadow people are shadowy figures that resemble a human. These beings often appear in corners or in dark hallways, but may be seen peering in doors or standing by the bed. The characteristic sign of a shadow person is fedora or top hat and what appears to be a dark cape. Shadow people have been reported across cultures by those who have no knowledge of prior descriptions, yet the descriptions remain largely the same. No one knows for sure what shadow people are but some believe they may be either alien or creatures from another dimension. Although shadow people appear to be harmless, extreme fear and a feeling of overwhelming dread often accompany a sighting.
If you experience paranormal activity in your home and don't know what to do then contact us at
Haunted Places in Wiltshire - The D's
Yay January is over folks was that not the longest month ever?! Here's your daily instalment of the Haunted places in Wiltshire. Keep watching as we will be updating you with news on our first investigation soon!
1) Devizes - Black Swan hotel - Ambrose Sainsbury - Ambrose was named by the Paranormal Site Investigators team as one of the ghosts that haunts the hotel, one of the other entities being a murdered woman. To continue reading please follow us over to our new website here
Haunted Places in Wiltshire - The C's
Happy Monday everyone, hope you all had a good weekend. Sorry for the delay here are the C's :).
1) Calne - Road along Derry Hill - White Figure - A driver and his passenger spotted a white figure in the road in front of them as they drove late at night. Their sighting tied in with a local legend about the road being haunted by a person in white...(to continue reading follow this link to our new website
My Friends House Pt2
Hi everyone! Firstly I want to thank you all for viewing our blog, it has been live for a week now and 98 people have been visiting and coming back for more. Thank you very much you all make it worth the time to post :).
So this Saturday I went back to visit my friend, this time I brought my DSLR camera to see what we could catch (if you don't know the story please see previous post My friends house :)). We didn't hear or experience anything really that night so we decided to take photos anyway. Firstly I went round, and I appeared to have nothing. Then my friend took out her camera and boom loads of orbs...(to continue reading this article follow this link to our new website
A snippet of a haunted city...
Merry Thursday everyone!
A couple of things to look out for in the beautiful and historic City of Bath...
Bath Abbey Monks...
Phantom Monks are said to haunt the Abbey area in this Roman City..(to continue reading this article follow this link to our new website
Haunted Places in Wiltshire - The B's
Hope you are all having a wonderful day, here are the haunted B's of Wiltshire.
1) Baltonsborough - St Dunstan's Church - Monk with Smallpox - This monk was supposed to have travelled from France to see meet his dying father at the church, however he contracted smallpox and himself died before completing his journey. His ghost now haunts the church, regretting his failure...(to continue reading follow this link to our new website
Paranormal claims at Nunney Castle in Somerset...
The Castles Construction…
It is a small, French-style castle surrounded by a deep moat, built in 1373, and said to have been based on the Bastille in Paris.Played a part in the Civil Wars…
During the english civil wars (1642-51) Colonel Richard Prater, who held the castle until 1645, lost it to Fairfax, the commander of Cromwell's forces in the battle that took place at Nunney. The castle was besieged for two days, but capitulated when Cromwell's men used cannon to blast a great hole in the north wall of the castle. It was never lived in again...(to continue reading you will find the remainder of this article on our new website Brown's Folly Mystery
Sally in the Woods is a well known local story based in the Brown's Folly woods near Bath. Many people have reported to have seen ghosts or heard noises in this area and it's feared by many.
The area of Sally in the Wood lies beneath the woods of Brown's Folly. The stretch of road near here is apparently renowned for road traffic collisions. There have been at least 8 fatal accidents of which 7 have remained a mystery as to why they occurred. This road is thought to be haunted by Sally's ghost....(to read the remainder of this article follow this link to our new website
Haunted Places in Wiltshire - The A's
i) Avebury Manor - Reports of a White Lady ....(to continue reading please follow this link to our new website
My friends house
My best friend lives with her Grandpa in a lovely big house in Hilperton. Since she moved there we have experienced many different types of activity. I can honestly say it is the most haunted place I've been to so far. We've experienced lights turning on/off, really loud bangs, footsteps, what sounds like running on the landing, doors closing just to name a few. My friend has experienced many things on her own like warm indentations on her bed as if someone has been sat down, been woken up in the middle of the night by the feeling of someone watching her etc. One of the most scariest things she told me was one night really early in the morning the doorbell went. She instantly felt petrified....(to continue reading follow this link to our new website
Hi Everyone...
and welcome to our blog :). We are a brand new Paranormal group in Wiltshire, we will be writing some posts really soon so watch this space and give us a follow! If you have any questions feel free to email us at