The W.P.I team's Bath ghost walk adventures...

Good Morning Paranorm's! And happy Wednesday to you! ^_^

Well folk's, sorry for the delay as we had a few things to go over and analyse, but it's finally the moment you've all been waiting for... our review of the chilling Bath Ghost walk that the W.P.I team participated in last Thursday evening!!!

A lovely gentleman guide took us around the reported haunted sights in Bath which started at the Garicks Head public house (This itself also has its own chilling history). It was a small group as it was just the four of us doing the walk: the guide, Jess, Emma and myself.
The experienced guide told us tales of various buildings' histories and the lives of their former residence, some of which are thought to still remain within these areas today. I must say, we were hanging on his every word! If you would like to read more please visit our new website here

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